Monday, April 9, 2018


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1. Life is a game, to be happy is to learn how to play it, when to obey the rules and when to break them.

 Resultado de imagem para Excalibur (1981 movie

2. Natural Human Reactions are the same everywhere. People are divided in groups, each one is a type and follows a pattern. Observe and learn them. But be careful not to be too strick in your evaluation. Some people might surprise you.

 Resultado de imagem para Excalibur (1981 movie

3. Never bluff. Don't do it. If you make a threat, be ready to fulfil it when everything else fails. If you're ready to go all the way, you're always calm and confident in every situation. As most people bluff about what they don't intend to keep, you'll have an advantage over them. 

 Resultado de imagem para Excalibur 1981 movie

4. Smell the air, feel the winds. Don't try to control what's around you too much. Instead, learn to go with the flow, if you think that something ahead might be in your favor. Always trust change for it might bring the solution to your problems. 

 Resultado de imagem para Excalibur 1981 movie

5. Learn to know yourself, make yourself the subject of a scientific experiment. Study yourself and the way you react to things, not forgetting that you too might surprise yourself. But, never judge others by your own character. See tthe differences. 

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6. Remenber that Life is a one time adventure, so make your game memorable and have fun, or there is no point in playing. 

Resultado de imagem para Excalibur 1981 movie

7. Believe in the best of Mankind, but do not disregard the worst. 
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8. Be yourself, always. Do not pretend to be anything different from your true nature. You're better at being yourself than at pretending to be someone else -- and happier.

 Resultado de imagem para Excalibur 1981 movie

9. Never discourage. 'Til the last second of the game, the outcome can still change and you might win.

 Resultado de imagem para Excalibur 1981 movie

 (photos from EXCALIBUR, directed by John Boorman, 1981)

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